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[FOTOS] Artistas rinden tributo a elefanta muerta por explosivos en la India

[FOTOS] Artistas rinden tributo a elefanta muerta por explosivos en la India
Las imágenes del animal agonizando conmocionaron a personas en todo el mundo que decidieron rendirle un homenaje.
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El 27 de mayo, una elefanta preñada murió en Kerala, India, de un dolor insoportable después de morder una piña llena de fuegos artificiales. Los explosivos explotaron en su boca, dañando su mandíbula gravemente.

En India es frecuente el uso de frutas llenas de explosivos o petardos que actúan como si fueran minas y se usan contra los animales salvajes que amenazan las cosechas y las viviendas.

El paquidermo falleció la semana pasada y las imágenes del animal agonizando durante horas en un río con una herida en la boca se hicieron virales y conmocionaron al país.

Las redes sociales hicieron eco del horrible hecho y espontáneamente varios usuarios han estado rindiendo homenaje al pobre animal al compartir obras de arte que hicieron para honrarlo.


#Repost @world._.photography0 @download.ins --- | We pray to him and yet do this? A pregnant elephant was fed cracker stuffed pineapple by unidentified people in Kerala which exploded in her mouth and damaged her jaw. She walked around the village and finally passed away standing in a river. We keep searching for monsters hoping they would be having the devil's horns on their heads. But look around you, the monsters walk beside you. This elephant was going to give birth 18-20 months later. Even after the elephant was injured, she did not crush a single home or hurt a single human being. She just stood in a river because of the excruciating pain and passed away without hurting a single soul. From anybody who throws stones at a stray dog to anybody hurting a living soul, choose one face. A lot of these animals trust human beings because they have been helped by them in the past. This is cruel beyond measure. When you lack empathy and kindness, you do not deserve to be called a human being. To hurt someone is not human. Just stricter laws won't help. We need a decent execution of the law too. Until the guilty are punished in the worst possible way, these wicked monsters will never fear the law. Though it's a difficult task, I hope they are able to find out the one who committed this crime and punish them according • ➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖➖➖➖ • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #animal #love #human #RIP #so #sad #photooftheday #photography #elephant #baby #babyeleghant #bornagain #birthday #humanity #instabest_photography #opsh #oph #_oph #instagram

Una publicación compartida por WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY (@world._.photography0) el


കൊന്നില്ലേ നാം. ഉള്ളിലൊരു കുഞ്ഞു ജീവൻ തുടിക്കുന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. അതിനു രുചിയറിയാൻ മധുരം തേടി വന്നതാണ്. മനസ്സു മരവിച്ച മനുഷ്യർ ഇന്നും ഈ ഭൂവിൽ മാന്യരായി നിലകൊള്ളുന്നു. ക്ഷമിക്കുക നീ. Sketch | @looo_zi #elephant #different #portrait #sketchbook #sketches #sketch_daily #skesketchtchy #sketchers #sketching #sketchoftheday #sketchdrawing #phone #art #art #arty #photo_of_the_day #? #drawingsketch #illustration #digitalillustration . #model #modeling . #sketch #sketchbook #sketches #sketch_daily #sketchy #sketchers #sketching #sketchoftheday #sketchdrawing #phone #art #art #arty #photo_of_the_day #? #drawingsketch @actressinsta @actressmalayalam @kerala_actress @amalapaul_fans_ @kerala_artists_ @illustration_daily @autodesksketchbook @_cutozki @throttle_hunter__ @_soul_artwork_ @_art_beatz_ @creative_kidzz @monkeey_pen @mr_lolan_ @the_typo_kiddo @jishnu_232 @art_maker_boy_ @_matrix_mind @v.i.k.r.a.m.a.n @revathysbabu @infinite__designer @arya_artista @mr_pix_el @mr_dazappan @jishnu_232 @lolanz___ @___ak_s_h_ay___ @infynite_mynt @__the.creative.soul__ @_motoqueir_o @ m_a_c_t_a_c_k @_ thee_petti_ @mr_artorian @khair_s_art. @cartoon_cafe_ @illustr.artist @the_artrider @art_by_raseil @___shifa___mol__ @_anandu_nandan_ @a_s_illustrations @___human__being____ @her_lost_ojz @_arjuns_art_of_range_ @darklover_devil @amigoz_poombatta @vishnu_illustrations @luttapi2.O @art_lover_muzammil @baby_photostation

Una publicación compartida por .???. (@arjuns_art_of_range) el


Pregnant #elephant dies after eating pineapple stuffed with firecrackers intended to kill wild boars in #Kerala, #India @carloslatuff #RIPHumanity

Una publicación compartida por wirverreckenvorlachen (@wirverreckenvorlachen) el


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